Dat Yummy Yummy Medley

The semester had just ended. I clicked submit on the online class grading system, and welcomed summer break by shifting my attention to something I hadn’t given much thought to throughout the year. Food! During the year, it’s easy to fall into the routine of rice and stew or some kind of pasta. But thisContinue reading “Dat Yummy Yummy Medley”

Just Moved to Yankee!

And what comes to mind when you hear this phrase? Me? I see a packed suitcase and an airplane landing at JFK. Honestly, I see Akeem with his animal skinned turban screaming from a balcony “Yes! Yes! F@#! you too!” (Classic!) Whereas the term “yankee” may more famously be known to refer to northerners inContinue reading “Just Moved to Yankee!”

The Successful Africans

To hear the term successful Africans might sound redundant if you have grown up in an African home with African parents who made success a requirement for their love (just kidding…kinda). Although Sub-Saharan Africans comprise of less than 5% of the immigrant population in the United States, research shows that their rate has increased overContinue reading “The Successful Africans”

Back to Africa

“If you’re not happy here, then go back to Africa!” a coward yelled at a group of us as we marched toward the Football stadium to protest the university’s handling of threats to Black football players. But seriously, how many times has this been said. It certainly wasn’t a new idea. Several times throughout AmericanContinue reading “Back to Africa”